Kenny Duck (South Park)
Meet Kenny McCormick from the beloved, irreverent animated series South Park with our meticulously crafted 3D-printed Kenny Duck figurine. This delightful collectible comes to you from Findlay 3D Printing, where we specialize in bringing your favorite characters to life. But why stop at Kenny? Check out our equally impressive 3D-printed figurines of Kyle Broflovski, Stan Marsh, and the unforgettable Eric Cartman, each painstakingly designed to capture the essence and personality of these iconic characters.
Kenny, the character famously known for meeting his demise in nearly every episode, injects an ironic charm and playful spirit into your living space. With his signature orange parka and muffled speech, this 3D-printed Kenny Duck figurine is more than just a decoration—it’s a whimsical nod to pop culture that’s sure to elicit memories and laughter. Crafted with attention to detail, our quality products stand as both fun conversation starters and cherished collector's items.
Dive into the world of unique, high-quality 3D-printed products at Findlay 3D Printing, where every single item tells its own story. Whether you’re a die-hard South Park fan or a collector of distinctive figurines, our extensive catalog has something that will undoubtedly catch your eye and charm your heart. Allow our expertly rendered 3D-printed creations to transform your home today!
2 inch rubber duck is shown for size comparison.
The Kenny Duck is a 5-color 3D print made proudly in Ohio, USA.
Designed by Geoff from Hex3D.